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Happy Birthday LK Digital Marketing!! 2 Years Old!!

Written by Lucy Kemish

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2 years old, where did that time go?

Who’d have thought when I set up two years ago, I would be where I am today.

I literally didn’t know where to start. But I knew I had to give it a go because something had to change. Unemployment wasn’t an option, and my former career as a Speech and Language Therapist wasn’t possible either (feel free to read my story here). So, with that in mind, it was time to bite the bullet!

A notebook became my best friend

Business cards, website, email, social media pages…I began to write my never-ending list. The thought of how I could set up my own business when I really didn’t know anything kept running through my mind. I had to put it to one side if I was going to make this work. But ultimately, I knew it needed two things, time and hard work. Two things I had in abundance!

The feelings of isolation

Self-employment can be very isolating. I no longer had a team around me to ask any questions. I either had to figure it out myself, get it wrong or leave it! But those feelings soon changed when I met my virtual marketing buddies Samantha Dawkins from Koala VA, and Tom from Tom Garfield Healthcare Digital Marketing. Your help, support, and friendship have been invaluable. Thank you both!!

You believed in me

Excited, nervous, and conscious that now someone would be paying me for a service, I worked hard, continually taking on new training opportunities, and hoped I could deliver. It all worked out OK, and my business is growing every day. It’s down to the awesome clients that I have, which means I’ve now got a business I’m really proud of.

It’s time to say a massive thank you to each of you, my current and past clients:

  • S L Therapy London
  • Neuro Rehab Group
  • Samantha Draxler – Consultant Speech and Language Therapist
  • Small Talk Speech and Language Therapy
  • Dinorwig Distillery
  • Dr HG Aesthetics
  • Cwm Llethi
  • Mr C

The big question is, would I do it again?

YES! The answer is that simple. But I would approach it differently. We all learn from experience. So with that in mind, here are my five top tips:

  • Don’t try to do everything by yourself, use the expertise of others. You’ll end up less stressed and saving time not fixing your mistakes!
  • It takes time, time to grow, time to develop and everything takes longer than you expect. So always leave yourself extra time
  • Make use of apps to save yourself time and support the organisation of your work. My favourite apps are Canva Pro, Trello, Inshot and Grammarly
  • Make use of advice from organisations such as Business Wales and The Princes Trust
  • Find a trusted support network where you can bounce ideas around. I found lots of ‘support networks’ but they would question your questions?! So trusted ones are vital

There are times when you think ‘Is it worth it?’, ‘What am I doing?’ but the key to this is to work hard, take every opportunity that comes your way, and never give up! Tune in regularly to read these social media and company updates!

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